Monday, December 31, 2007

Bear Hunt

I don't even remember what year it was when I went on this bear hunt in New Mexico with a friend. The guide was Dale Bond from Ramah and his son Clay. What an adventure. Dale was an old wrangler and was responsible for the horses in the movie Paint Your Wagons.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Brandon Marries Sunnie Larson

This past year we became empty nesters when Brandon married Sunnie Larson. It was a beautiful day in all our lives. We welcome Sunnie and her family into our family tree. Congratulations to the two of them.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Dad bagged a good one!

For the past 20 years I have been hunting with the boys and not carried a rife. Except for a muzzle loader one year and I didn't take a deer. This year the boys wanted me to prove that I could still get one if I wanted. It was nice but not as big as Clint's.

Wyoming Hunting Trip 2007

This year we decided to hunt Wyoming. Each of us brought home a nice buck. They even made ole dad bag one just to remind them that I still had it in me.